Signing Banks (Erasmus+ 2020 – 2022)
Signing Banks aims to highlight the needs of people with disabilities, more specifically to d/Deaf customers, who seek full financial inclusion. Persons with disabilities & d/Deafness have been amongst those traditionally marginalized from the financial services sector through a mix of inaccessibility, presumptions of limited need & capacity to manage finances, & mindsets that have not view them as a profitable consumer base.
This paradigm is now rapidly changing with growing evidence of the demand and need for access to services as well as the increasing income base of persons with disabilities around the world. Persons with disabilities and diverse abilities are demanding better and easier access to the entire range of financial services. Access to and inclusion is important to persons across the economic spectrum. And for persons with disabilities who live under the poverty line, it is essential that they are involved in financial inclusion initiatives & programmes that will empower them and enable them to become financially independent.
Signing Banks Website
See full explanation below in International Sign Language